Your greatest power.
"Trust your higher self as it knows what it wants and craves. Acknowledge it, let it come out and play, let it ignite the light in others and inspire them to move into their own authentic selves"
When you begin to live in alignment with yourself and your truth, weird and wonderful things begin to show up. Toward the middle of this year I found myself questioning my identity, my friends, my role, my higher purpose and where I wanted to go/ what I wanted to be. Although none of these questions have a simple answer, what began to become apparent was that I was not living in alignment with myself and the things that genuinely made me happy at a deeper, soul level.
I partook in activities that I thought should make me happy, because it made others happy. I would line up friend after friend to hang out with, never really being present in their company but using them to run away from my own thoughts and confusion. Amongst a wealth of other things, I became increasingly frustrated that I wasn’t propelling forward, but rather backward by constantly questioning why I wasn’t enjoying the things that those around me enjoyed. Was there something wrong with me?
After coming back from overseas I took a leap of faith in putting myself first, valuing what made ME feel good, spending my time with people that encouraged soulful conversations and even increased my time just simply being alone. This was the biggest leap for me, giving myself the TIME, giving myself SPACE, to sit in my thoughts, contemplate my actions, my goals, my dreams and feel into what I intuitively knew I was craving.
Recently, a few big surprises were thrown my way with little ability to control the outcome or how the situations were to be dealt with. Instead of running away, I sat with them, I felt into them, I cried a lot and I even screamed. It was extremely painful and I thought I would never leave that place but giving myself the time to come back into alignment and move through these emotions created a space for miraculous things to SHOW UP. People from various healing modalities began to enter my life; acupuncturists, coaches, mentors, naturopaths and wonderful friends who held my hand through these difficult times.
I have been recently working with Simon from M&PP who is transforming my relationship with myself whilst continually encouraging me to search deeper in regards to my goals, what makes my soul sing, how I want to live, the relationships I want to create/ attract and the things that bring me into alignment with myself whilst creating adequate boundaries with those around me.
I can truly say that I am currently the happiest I have been in a couple of years and it is extremely exciting. I am gaining an increase in self- respect by doing ME rather than trying to find fulfilment in the things that make other people happy. Although there have been times of fear, confusion, loneliness and self doubt, sorting through my shit has been/still is a transformational process.
If I have any words of encouragement, they are to trust your higher self as it knows what it wants and craves. Acknowledge it, let it come out and play, let it ignite the light in others and inspire them to move into their own authentic selves.